When searching for the best automobile insurance program it’s important to remember that not all insurance agencies are equal. At Olde Cape Cod Insurance ,we have several of the best carriers available in the state of Massachusetts. And, as always, each policy comes backed with the piece of mind provided by ourunparalleled customer care.
Rates can vary from year to year and company to company so ask us to quote on the auto policy that is the perfect fit for you. You’ll have piece of mind knowing that you have the best insurance at the best possible premium backed by the Cape’s leader in customer care.
Massachusetts only requires three basic types of insurance as compulsory insurance, meaning you can’t insure your car without it. However, we would never recommend that you should only have that type of coverage. We would discuss your personal circumstances to help you purchase the right coverage for you at a price you can afford. Then we would ask all our companies to quote so that you can see which company is most economical.
Then each year we requote your auto insurance with all of our companies to determine that you still have the most economical coverage. Our computer skills allow us to do this regularly to your advantage.
You can count on us for customer care and satisfaction. We’ll be able to determine if its best for you to expand your auto insurance policy to include optional insurance, or if you are better covered under your personal, umbrella and home insurance policies.
Contact us for comprehensive coverage for your motor, collectable and recreational vehicles today.